Ashleigh Brackett

Ashleigh Brackett

Group Fitness Instructor


Group Fitness Certified Instructor

JumpSport Certified Instructor

About Coach

Growing up, I played a variety of sports and was always very athletic. I played soccer, basketball, tennis, and even did triathlons starting at age 7! I didn't fall in love with any of these sports, so my Mom put me in dance. Here I am, 16 years later, and still dancing. I danced very competitively in middle and high school and traveled have traveled with dance competitions and conventions assisting world renowned dancers and choreographers.

I knew my love and passion for dance was not complete after high school, so I went on to pursue my Batchelor's in Fine Arts at the University of Arizona.

Motivation & Passion

Throughout my dance tranining and experiences, I've always noticed the lack of cross-training in this particular art form. Just as football and soccer players do, athletes must train in ways different from their actual sport. Dancers must do the same. I love to dance, teach, and workout. I feel lucky that Nourish has welcomed me into their community to fuse my passion for all of these things.

I hope to inspire others in the ways I have been inspired and help people see the potential they have within themselves!